Utility Catcher® Clip


A versatile catch-all for a variety of tools and PPE items. Originally designed as an easy and convenient way to keep up with a hard hat when not in use, the Utility Catcher® clip is a multipurpose clip that can be used to keep up with tools or other PPE items.




Resists flex Fatigue

With its large 4 inch wide loop it can easily accommodate air hoses, extension cables, ropes, and welding leads all while springing back to its original shape.

Hook and Key - hole

Having both the hook and key-hole option allows the clip to be secured on a stud or grid wall.

50 lb load rating

Made from strong, flexible PC-ABS material it can hold up to 50 pounds of weight.

Snap To latch

The secure feature makes swapping out gear a breeze and gives you the confidence to know that your gear is secure.

non-corrosive &

Stays as smooth as the day you got it and the only shock you’ll get is how well it works.

7 different colors

Find the right match for your company or mood


 How to order



Contact your Safety Supplier



Give them the Part Number associated with the clip you want in order to obtain a price quote.



Place your order with your supplier, sit back, relax and wait for it to arrive.


If you are unable to find a Safety Supplier please contact us at safety@gloveguard.com

and we are happy to point you in the right direction.


Distributor Self-Promo

Are you one of our distributors? If so, then we have a deal for you to use on your clip purchase. Contact us for more info.


Custom Imprinting

Get your customer's logo, project logo, or project slogan imprinted on their clip purchase. As long as it is a mark or message unique to your customer, we can make it happen.


Standard Safety Slogans

Choose from any of our 9 commonly used safety slogans such as “Think Safety” or “ Safety First.”


Other Glove Clips


Utility Guard® Clip

Same great features as the Glove Guard® clip but with a snazzy belt clip instead.

Handi Klip® glove clip

With the ball and socket connection it rotates freely with the user’s movement. Click the photo to learn more.

Glove Catcher® clip

Simple, one piece design that is a cost effective way to keep your gloves close. Click the photo to learn more.

Metal Detectable

For use in the food industry to keep your gloves close at hand and ready to go. Click the photo to learn more.