Art Proof RequestFill out the form, send in artwork, and don’t forget to submit the form! Please, be sure that your artwork for imprintis in one of the following files types:.pdf / .png / .eps Get your Imprint started today! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Company Name * Phone * (###) ### #### Product(s) to be Imprinted: * Choose All that apply Glove Guard® Clip Utility Guard® Clip Handi Klip® Glove Clip Goggle Guard® Clip OktoLock® Utility Catcher® Number of Units(50min) * If you have multiple types of clips please specify how many clips per print. Will this be a one or two sided imprint? * Two sided imprints only available on GloveClips One side Two sides How many colors would you like to print in? * One Color Two Colors Three Colors What Clip Color would you like? What Ink Color? Will this be a logo or slogan? * Logo Slogan Both (only applicable for Glove Clips) If you will be your own Safety Slogan please enter here: Or choose one of our 9 Standard Safety Slogans or type in your own. Stop Hand Injuries Safety A Team Effort Gloves A Hands Best Friend Goal: Zero Hand Injuries Keep Gloves Handy Give Safety A Hand Think Safety Get A "Grip" On Safety Safety First Thank you for submitting your artwork request. We know your time is valuable so we will get started on this asap. You should receive an email from one of our team members with a confirmation once the process has begun. Talk to you soon and have a great day.